Friday, July 5, 2013

The New Generation


I was just talking to one of my friend after a longtime. Then saw her watsapp status and saw it has changed. Now thats not surprising right. We change our status in almost every half an hour. But the thing which hit me was the status she had before and that she changed. Her father had passed away some months back and she had put her status as "Dad miss You". It was a wonderful gesture remembering our dear ones. But then now the status became "??".

I saw the status as a remembrance, love towards a person whom you can never be forget. As she is my dearest best friend she took my view in the good spirit and changed the status as "Dad love You" and also put a pic with her Dad.

But this incident made me think of our generation, my generation. We are now so much bothered about what others think and tell about us that we forget our own personal emotions. But, is the word personal now really  personal? No, we have give half of our personal life, views and life details for the world to see thanks to different social sites. We now make friends online, add them and then we share photos of our personal life moments, write about our likes dislikes, and update each and every second of our emotional state of mind.. and viola the whole world knows who we are which should have restricted to only the very few dearest people in our world.

We update the status telling our present state - what we are doing, where we are, with whom, what we did etc. This we do, not only to let the world know about us but we do it for so called 'Attention'. We have now become attention seeking generation. We need people to become our fans, friends, comment upon our status and pics, and get happy about what they say. So, now we are more bothered about the whole world and forget the closest few people for whom we mean the whole world. These social sites also has made us lose our privacy as we are willing to happily dole out all our important information to the world.

As i am one of this generation and also part of this same craze this event has made me think. Is being so social an absolute necessary? Is sharing about all our personal life to others so wise and warranted? Is the so called social sites an addiction, compulsion or for attention seeking? Is these so important to feel connected to others or be connected with others? Is having a status so important for others to see and comment and rather we forget to remember people who mean the whole life for us?

I have started thinking otherwise. Do you now?

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